Colon Cancer: A Silent Killer
Colon cancer can be particularly deadly because by the time symptoms appear, the disease has often progressed. That’s why at-home colon cancer screening tests are so important. Second Generation FIT detects pathology, often before symptoms are apparent in your body. Up to 53,000 Americans will die of colon cancer this year, but many of these deaths could have been prevented if the disease had been caught early. The survival rate for early stage colorectal cancer is more than 90%, but it drops to 14% if it has spread. Take a FIT test every year.
FIT test Is Key to Survival
A fecal immunochemical test detects lower GI disease states— including colorectal cancer. While blood in the stool does not always mean cancer, it should be checked out by a doctor and followed up with a colonoscopy. While colon cancer screenings have long been recommended for those 45 and older, the disease has been striking younger patients. Many people were shaken by the death of Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman at the age of 43 of colon cancer. You’re never too young to take a FIT test.
Colon Cancer Test Kit vs. Colonoscopy
Experts agree that a FIT test is as reliable as a colonoscopy for use as a colon cancer screening tool. Why get a difficult, uncomfortable, inconvenient procedure if you don’t have to? Instead of days of liquid diets and colon cleanses, eat whatever you want and use an at-home colon cancer test. It’s less expensive, faster, easier, more convenient and more comfortable. You get results within five minutes of taking the test and you won’t need to find anyone to drive you back and forth to your appointment — you won’t even need to leave the house.